+39 340 0861836

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30

Anfiteatro Campano

anfiteatro campano accessibile alle persone sedia a rotelle e non vedenti con percorsi tattili

This museum is located in the beautiful town of Santa Maria Capua Vetere. The museum has many slides and platforms for wheelchair users, but the path is only partially accessible due to architectural barriers. The structure offers the possibility of using an audio guide which accompanies the visually impaired person in a unique experience of its kind, to make everything as inclusive as possible, there is a tactile path in which works will be touched to understand even without sight the magical reality that surrounds the museum and along the way there are also some Braille panels.

Activity Info

From: gratuito per disabili €

Destination: Santa Maria Capua Vetere

Info provider

logo del ministero

Name: Ministero della Cultura

Phone: 0823 844206

Phone: 08231831093

Opening period:
tutti i giorni 9-19.30 tranne lunedi chiuso

Declared a National Monument in 1822, it was opened to the public from 1913 and, in 2013, a new phase was inaugurated to celebrate its centenary, in line with innovative policies for welcoming the public, with a ticket service, bookshop and an organic restaurant at the entrance to the archaeological area.

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