+39 340 0861836

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30

Castel Sant’Elmo – twentieth century museum of Naples

museo del 900 accessibile ai non vedenti napoli

The visit is addressed to blind people and provides a haptic itinerary through the castle and Novecento a Napoli Museum. The visitor will discover the history of the castle, starting from its building technique, until its current use as a contemporary art museum, approaching forms and materials of recent artistic researches. The itinerary involves the outer spaces of the castle, from the moat to the parade ground, focusing on elements and artworks that characterize its structure and collection, as the tuff walls and the cannon, and the Museum and contemporary art site-specific installations such as “Warriors” by Sergio Fermariello and “Follow the shape” by Paolo Puddu.

Activity Info

Duration: 1-2 ore

From: gratuito per disabili €

Participants: massimo 10

Destination: Napoli

Info provider

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Name: Direzione Regionale Musei Campania

Phone: 0812294456

Phone: 0812522371

Opening period:
tutti i giorni 8.30-19.30

Sant'Elmo Castle is a 16th century fortress located on the Vomero hill in Naples. The double-pincers plan and the high walls sculpted in tuff stone make the castle an important example of fortified architecture. In the parade ground there is Novecento a Napoli Museum, with its collection of 20th century art. In the outer spaces of the castle are located several site-specific installations, realized from the beginnings of 21st century by italian artists, dialoguing with the architecture and with the landscape which the castle overlooks from the top. Castel Sant'Elmo collaborates with the network "Campania tra le mani" to offer visits to people with disabilities.

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