+39 340 0861836

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30

Archaeological national museum of Valle del Sarno

museo valle del sarno accessibile su sedia a rotelle

In this museum it is possible to admire many particular archaeological finds and wonderful routes, which are accessible to wheelchair users. An imposing lava stone portal leads to the large central courtyard, dominated by three arched loggias, with wide staircases leading to the first and second floors. Here, the rooms are decorated by an artist of the Neapolitan school with sacred subjects, mock architecture, floral compositions, scenes with an Arcadian flavour, reproductions of tapestries and precious polychrome marble. In the early 20th century, on commission from the S. Cozzolino family, he decorated the ceilings of some rooms with nymphs and angels.
The museum with its collections tells the story of the Sarno Valley from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages. The fertility of the soil and the abundance of water have attracted man since the 4th millennium. To the second half of the 9th century B.C. date the rich male burials with vases, razors, fibulae and weapons. From the middle of the 8th century, the rank dead are accompanied by vases imported from the Greek colonies of Pithekoussai and Cumae. Women wear diadems, earrings, amber and glass paste necklaces, scarab pendants, bracelets and rings.

Activity Info

From: gratuito per disabili €

Destination: Napoli

Info provider

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Name: Ministero della Cultura

Phone: 081 941451

Opening period:
martedi-venerdi 9-19
sabato e domenica 9-14
lunedi chiuso

The National Archaeological Museum of the Sarno Valley was founded in 1975. Since 2011, it has been located in the historical centre of the city of Sarno, in an aristocratic palace built in the mid-eighteenth century by a local noble family, the Ungaro.

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