+39 340 0861836

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30

Archaeological national museum of Crotone

museo crotone accessibile alle persone con mobilità ridotta

This archaeological museum is accessible to wheelchair users, but only partially as the archaeological museum has architectural barriers, which however do not make a nice tour impossible, even if reduced.

Activity Info

From: gratuito per disabili €

Destination: Crotone

Info provider

logo associazione musei calabresi

Name: Direzione regionale musei Calabria

Phone: 0962 23082

Opening period:
martedi-domenica 9-20
lunedi chiuso

Calabria Regional Museums Directorate coordinates and promotes state museums at the regional level, encouraging the creation of integrated services and ensuring uniform levels of quality so that people with disabilities can enjoy the best possible experience.

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