+39 340 0861836

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30

Museo storia naturale di Venezia

museo storia naturale venezia per disabili

Il Museo di Storia Naturale diventa un “contenitore” di suggestioni, capace di comunicare informazioni e contenuti di alto livello scientifico attraverso esperienze multisensoriali. Il percorso si snoda nelle sale espositive tra fossili, collezioni etnografiche, reperti naturalistici da manipolare che raccontano l’evoluzione della vita sulla terra, la complessità della natura e delle forme viventi.

Activity Info

From: gratuito per disabili €

Destination: Venezia

Info provider

muve education venezia musei accessibili per disabili

Name: MUVE education

Phone: +39 041 2700370

Opening period:
dal lunedì al venerdì dalle ore 09:00 alle ore 16:00, il sabato e la domenica dalle ore 09:00 alle ore 13:00

The Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia (MUVE) is responsible for eleven museums: the Doge’s Palace; the Museo Correr; the Torre dell’Orologio; Ca’ Rezzonico – Museum of the eighteenth-century Venice; Palazzo Mocenigo – Centre for the History of Textiles and Costume; the Casa di Carlo Goldoni; Ca’ Pesaro – International Gallery of Modern Art; Palazzo Fortuny; the Museo del Vetro di Murano (Murano glass museum); the Museo del Merletto di Burano (Burano lace museum); the Natural History Museum of Venice. It has been recently enriched by two other important partnerships developing outside the historic centre of the city: with the Centro Culturale Candiani and Forte Marghera in Mestre. Muve Education, the MUVE Educational Activities Office, designs and coordinates more than 170 activities across all of the Foundation’s museums, including ones to accompany major temporary exhibitions. Prepared with the support of specialised museum educators, the activities are available throughout the year and in several languages by booking online. They explore the rich and varied civic museum heritage through a wide range of proposals that provide a deeper understanding of specific aspects of art, history, technology and the natural sciences. They are designed to meet the needs of various sectors of the public: schools of all levels, families, adults and visitors with special needs.

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