+39 340 0861836

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30

Museo archeologico nazionale

museo reggio accessibile sedia a rotelle e sordi

L’accesso ai diversamente abili avviene attraverso la pedana all’esterno del museo.
L’accesso ai livelli delle collezioni permanenti e temporanee è possibile tramite gli ascensori.
In biglietteria è disponibile il servizio di Video guida Lis per non udenti per la visita guidata alle collezioni del Museo.

Activity Info

From: gratuito per disabili €

Destination: Reggio Calabria

Info provider

logo museo reggio accessibile

Name: MArRC

Phone: 0965 812255

Opening period:
martedi-domenica 9-20
lunedi chiuso

Partially opened to the public in 1954 and inaugurated in 1959, the Museum has undergone major transformations over the years. In 1981, the underwater archaeology section was set up to give adequate visibility to the Riace Bronzes, considered among the world's most significant masterpieces of Greek art. Before the latest reorganization, which completely changed its interior layout and exhibition itinerary, the second floor housed the valuable collection of paintings belonging to the Civic Museum, which today can be admired in the nearby Municipal Art Gallery.

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