+39 340 0861836

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:30

Pompei tattile

pompei scavi accessibili ai ciechi

Grazie alla passione e alla capacità descrittiva dei nostri collaboratori e guide autorizzate agli scavi di pompei possiamo proporre una visita tattile alla città sommersa. 

Percorreremo assieme le antiche strade romane rimaste sepolte per secoli, vi racconteremo segreti ed aneddoti facendovi toccare ed esperire la vita nel tempo dei romani.

Activity Info

Destination: Pompei

Info provider

logo viaggi diffusi accessibili ai disabili

Name: ViaggiDiffusi

Phone: (+39) 340 08 61 836

ViaggiDiffusi has been working since 2015 on proposals within accessible tourism mainly for the blind community. Tactile-experiential tours that defend culture, tradition and local nature: based on local realities that promote the territory by understanding the resources. Thus allowing an altruistic interaction between cultures. Here are the pillars of our offer; places and experiences that we know first-hand. Travel is understood as discovery and wisdom. We speak: English, Spanish, French and Italian. We are part of the Explore association. we have been working with accessible tourism for over 5 years

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